When it comes to marketing and promoting ourselves there are generally (in my opinion anyway) two types of people; those that love to do it and those that don’t.
This post is for the latter.
I mean, we ALL want to attract more customers, right? No brainer there. It’s just that not everyone feels comfortable putting themselves on blast. Some folks just find the idea a little scary.
Before I started selling online, I spent many years in the graphic design industry helping others promote their business. Now that I have to do the same for my own business, I seem to get stuck. That might be precisely because I have helped others do it, so turning the attention on myself seems…I don’t know…unnatural. It’s not in my training. Whatever the reason, what I DO know is that having that mentality just isn’t going to cut it, not if I want to get noticed.
So how do you bite the bullet when it comes to promoting yourself? First, you have to understand the reasons you aren’t.
Here are some:
- Insecurity or lack of confidence.
- We don’t like to talk about ourselves.
- We’re introverts. The way we express ourselves IS through our art.
- Lack of budget funds.
- We don’t know HOW to self promote in a way that feels authentic.
So let’s address those…
- If you’re insecure or lack some confidence, ask yourself why you feel that way. Are you comparing yourself to others too much? Do you think your work isn’t good enough? If so, look into why that is. Maybe it’s just in your head or maybe you do have some improving to do. If we’re being honest, it’s probably a little of both.
- You might not like talking about yourself because you generally find it boring. I get that, personally I’d much rather talk (and learn) about YOU. However, our relationship with our customers is just that, a relationship. And with any good relationship there has to be a give and take. Remember that your customers WANT to know about you just as much as you want to know about them. And you’re potential buyers need to know that you exist.
- You’re an artist, your work speaks for itself. Well, that may be the case for some artists but realistically, not most. The design industry is super saturated so chances are it’s going to take more. If you can afford it, hire yourself a marketing professional or an agent. Someone from the outside can give an objective opinion on how best to market your work.
- Lack of budget funds. There are some ways you can promote yourself without spending a ton of money.
- We don’t know how to market ourselves authentically. I think this one is probably the most common so I’ll go into more detail below.
What feels natural to one person may feel extremely unnatural to another. Some people love putting their face on their brand, others don’t. Personally, I’m not a big of showing myself on camera so I only do this occasionally and usually to give some sort of tutorial. I promote myself in other ways. Instagram ads, a shout out on various art forums, sending out an email. I also blog as often as possible. I find I have an easier time writing about my personal experiences which is also a great way to connect with people.
Other ways I promote myself (that don’t break the budget) is talking to the marketplaces I already sell on, trying to find ways I can get more exposure from them. How I can improve my presentation skills to better fit their marketplace? Or I’ll offer a product as a freebie they can give away. Freebies not only bring in a lot of traffic but it’s a great way for folks to get a taste of your work and become potential future customers. Some marketplaces are more responsive than others but the ones that are know the value of a good working relationship with their sellers.
This past year I also invested in some promotional products, some pretty pens that I put my logo on. I always carry a bunch in my bag and give them away any chance I get. Pens might seem corny, but people love freebies and even if they’re not potential customers themselves – it’s a great way to get my name out there. I’ve gotten good feedback so if it’s in your budget, you might want to try it yourself. There’s a range of promotional products you can choose from.
There are tons of ways we can promote ourselves, we just have to be open minded and not afraid to take the leap. I know I don’t have all the answers but I DO know that if we don’t try, we’re selling ourselves (and our buyers) short. So write some ideas down, think about what feels comfortable for you (and your budget) and go for it! It’ll be trial and error until you find what actually works, but find out you will. You’ll gain more knowledge of your industry and an even better understanding of yourself . Best of all, you’ll get the confidence to step out of your safe space even more.
The learning process of self promotion is a journey and one I feel we can embark on together. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to jump in the comments!
Until then…