I’ve been a path of self-discovery.
Now, to be fair, I’ve been on this path for quite some time. Since I was in my early teens, in fact. I was always interested in spirituality and pretty much delved into almost everything at one time or another. And since I’m no spring chicken, I now have some knowledge under my belt.
Nonetheless, like everyone else, I was shook during the pandemic. For a little over two years, we were filled with uncertainty and anxiety. The constant push of fear in the news didn’t do us any favors either physically or mentally. Most of us eventually got a handle on it, but for a while there it was a rough ride.
In early 2022 I finally got Covid. It wasn’t fun but I’ve had flus that were worse. Then it went around the whole house. So it was stressful but thankfully everyone faired well. I did get some after effects with covid, mostly sinus/ear issues. So I spent the remainder of the year getting that looked into with my doctors, got a lot of tests, and basically was told everything was fine and that the symptoms are… ‘just what it is’.
Not very helpful, eh?
Anyway…once 2023 rolled in, I decided to spend less time focusing on those symptoms and instead actively engaged in taking more care of my physical and mental health. I stayed off social media more, began daily meditation and started intermittent fasting. I hope to do longer fasts soon as I hear that’s where the magic happens. As I delved back into my spirituality, I found inspiration wherever I could. This has done two things for me; it’s helped me to lay back a little and two, it’s actually helped me with my creativity.
Laying back a bit is not easy for me as I am still trying to run a business while also running a household. The difference is now I’m not so hung up on getting products out on a rushed timeline. I never was concerned with quantity – but I did put pressure on myself to keep creating. Now, I try to go more with the flow of my creativity. Also, getting in touch with my spirituality has made me more creative.
This new path is on-going, and I find the journey is what it’s really all about. I’m starting to come into my own again regarding my business. I’ve done the whole career thing, raised kids (still doing that to some degree) and all that goes with it. When I first opened Sofydoll more than two years ago, I went full force. Now three years in, I’m finding my flow to be a more relaxing one. It could be an age thing, I don’t know, but it fits me better.
For those of us creatives who are sensitive, these somewhat turbulent times can affect us greatly. So how do we cope? There’s a few ways but it requires some imagination and faith.
Firstly, you should always take care of your physical health. See your health professionals routinely and if you are having issues, make sure to rule out anything serious. This will take some anxiety away and give you some piece of mind. Once you’e able to do that, you can work on getting healthier and being more fit. You can do that through proper eating, exercise as well as other methods such as holistic and alternative.
At the same time you can focus on your mental health. Find some good books to read or watch inspirational stories. YouTube has some great spirituality channels. If you’re religious, seek more of that out. Go to church or temple and take comfort in a community of like-minded people.
Ultimately, you’re going to have to change YOUR mind. You’re going to have to start viewing things differently. See the world as magical.
By seeing the world and everything in it as magical we do wonders for our own state of mind. I realize that in today’s chaotic world, that might be difficult. With all the negative news out there and a seemingly divided population you often ask yourself “why can’t we all just get along?” The truth is, we don’t have any control over others, only ourselves – and once we realize that, it takes the pressure off. Once the pressure is off, we naturally feel lighter.
See everything that’s happening, good and bad, as an opportunity for spiritual growth. Take the pandemic, for example. It was pure chaos for most of us and we could argue that a lot of bad has come from it, especially the lives that were lost. I am not arguing against that at all. And yet, maybe some good has come out of it too. Many learned they didn’t need as much as they once thought they did. We simplified our lives. Some finally got away from their stagnant corporate jobs to start their dream business. Others learned to slow down a little and relax more. And others started finding spirituality.
The past is the past, we need to move forward if we want to find growth.
So while nobody wants to go back to that uncertain time, we can’t deny that there was some good that has since evolved. It’s all how you choose to view it. And though trying to see the good in everything may seem nonsensical to some – what have you got to lose? In fact, it is actually beneficial to your spiritual growth.
See these frustrating times as opportunity to practice patience and compassion. If we view everything in our lives as part of our spiritual path, we not only see things in a magical way…we learn to use them to better ourselves. Not to mention, the more you open your mind and your heart, the more your creativity will flow.
If you control your mind, you control your world. Be creative and imaginative in how you view everything…and you make that world as magical as you want.
The more magical your world becomes, the more creative you can be.
Until next time…