You know the old saying, ‘patience is a virtue‘.
Most of us have heard our elders dish out that quote ever since we were kids. For example, when we wanted something and couldn’t get it as quickly as we hoped. And even though it probably annoyed the heck out of us, as adults we realize there’s a lot of truth to it. Patience really is a virtue. A virtue that, as adults, we should really strive to attain.
Having patience is something that can help us in all aspects of life, even business…well…especially business. Why? Because rushing into anything is never a good thing. Making smart choices takes time and thought. Taking risks requires a lot of planning and research. And expecting quick results will only frustrate you.
That being said, patience is not the easiest of virtues to attain. We’re so used to doing something and getting instant gratification. We send a text or an email and we’re annoyed when we don’t get a response as quickly as we hoped. Or we start a diet, spend a week eating right and exercising only to find we didn’t lose a pound. It really grinds our gears when we put so much effort in and the results are not quickly forthcoming. I struggle with this myself all the time. Most of us do.
This is about control.
We humans are notorious for having the need to control everything in our lives. I do believe that having control is a good thing. However, not control over situations but control over ourselves and our way of thinking. Because if we’re being really honest…that’s the only thing we have control over. Ourselves.
Many of us start a new venture, pour our whole heart and soul into it and when it doesn’t pan out the way we want…as quickly as we want…we instantly get frustrated or worse, we give up. How many projects have you started that you didn’t finish? If you’ve started your own business, small or otherwise, how often did you work hard on something; maybe a new product launch or even just growing your social media following and it just isn’t happening? Yeah, you get my drift. The truth is, it IS happening…just not as quickly as you’d like.
I am not telling you that hard work and dedication will not pay off. They will. I’m also not saying you shouldn’t take charge and ownership of what you are doing. What I am saying is that if you put too high expectations on the end result, or the time it takes to get you closer to that place, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Anything truly worth having is going to take time.
Again, I know how frustrating it can be to have patience – but it’s good to remind yourself of a few things:
- You want to be known as a solid business; that means quality not quantity. That takes time.
- When you’re frustrated that things aren’t going as planned, ask yourself why?
- Know the difference between situations you can control and those you can’t. Focus on the ones you can.
- Growing your business takes time; allow yourself the space to choose the next move and make smart decisions.
- Don’t worry about what others are doing or if they’re moving faster than you. Everyone works and succeeds at their own pace.
- If your business has lulls, use those times to focus on creating more. The more you create, the better you get and the better you get the more interest you will gain…and the more successful your business will become.
- You started a business and you’re in it for the long haul…expect ups and downs along the way.
- You CAN do this. Remember part of the journey is working on yourself too so take this opportunity to learn. You’ll find you’re more determined and resilient than you thought.
Last, but certainly not least, don’t give up. Keep creating new work, ideas and ways to gain interest. If you work hard and are patient…good things will follow. Not just for your business, but yourself too.
Until next time…