I’ve been thinking about my first year in business and how much time I had spent immersing myself in getting things off the ground. Now I do realize that in any business, especially one just starting up, it’s almost a given huge amounts of time will be spent trying to make it successful.
Sure, I get that. I did that.
Late nites trying to put my website together, endless days working on projects and bettering my skills. Hours of researching and taking courses. At the same time, I also continued with my other responsibilities such as taking care of my kids, making lunches, cooking dinners, cleaning the house…I could go on but you get my drift.
I’m not complaining, I’ve always enjoyed taking care of my family…and still do. Honestly, it’s my number one priority. However, it makes it that much more difficult to work on my business. How many times have I been deep in the middle of a project, really focused and concentrating, only to have to abruptly stop to pick the kids up from school, make dinner or jet off to another appointment. I really have to organize my time to make it all happen and for the most part, it does, but at the cost of what? Me, that’s what. And that can burn a gal out.
Now, in my second year of Sofydoll Designs, I’ve decided that I have to find more time for me. Not a lot, just a little. I’m pretty content so it doesn’t take much for me to recharge my batteries. A hot bath, an occasional pedicure, a trip the bookstore or a nice walk on a warm day. Even a half hour of ‘me’ time can go a long way. So now I make more effort to do that.
And yet, there’s a catch.
Having your own business, whether freelance or otherwise, can be extremely competitive. New stuff is being created all the time and you worry that if you slack off, you’ll be left behind. So often once I finish a product, I’m already working on the next one. Or I’m handling the business side of things; keeping up with my website, blogging, getting educated, etc. It feels like it never ends. It’s a good thing I really enjoy it otherwise I probably would have quit ages ago. The point is, even when you’re not actively working on your business, you’re still thinking about it.
Having ‘me’ time isn’t just about stepping away from what you are doing but also what you are thinking.
If you’re still thinking about your business, you’re not necessarily recharging your batteries. You’ve got to step away, body and mind, for that time. A good book or movie can really help as it pushes you to be mindful in those moments. A nice hot bath listening to relaxing music or doing some yoga also helps you recharge.
Any of these things will put you in a more restful, clear minded mood. So not only will you feel physically refreshed, you’ll fell mentally refreshed too. Keeping yourself mentally refreshed will help you in every other aspect of your life, both personal and professional.
Try it for yourself; slot out some time during the week that you do something just for you. It doesn’t have to be every day…even a few times during the week can do wonders. Pick an activity even if it’s just you sitting on the couch watching a movie with a nice cup of coffee or catching up with an old friend…and see how you feel afterwards. Most likely, you’re going to feel refreshed and ready for the next thing.
So do that now, put yourself into your own schedule in big letters “ME TIME” and stick to it…I promise it’ll make business more pleasurable.
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments so feel free to jump in and say hi!
Until then…