The holiday season is officially here. I mean, most of the local stores have already been showcasing Christmas goodies but now that we’ve hit December, a lot of us can fully embrace the festivities. Christmas trees and lights go up, gift lists are being made and we’re getting our menu ready for the big day.
Sounds thrilling, right? Heh…also sounds a bit chaotic.
Let’s face it, with all the joys of the season…some of us have to admit that we’re also ready to be a little stressed. On top of everything else – if you’re running your own business – it adds even more to the pile. And yet, it doesn’t have to be stressful.
Last year I was all in pumping out products as much as I could (while maintaining quality of course) but it did burn me out a bit. This time, I am taking it a little slower by being more strategic as to where and how I put my efforts. I want to be able to keep my business going but at the same time, I also want to enjoy the season. I want to take a breather. I want to relax some.
Now I don’t know whether I will achieve that goal completely, but I am certainly going to try. One of the ways I do this is by being ahead of the game. If I can get things in order, I can focus that much better. I’m not one who thrives in chaos, so order is what’s on the menu for me.
How do I keep the order, especially during the holiday season? I make lists.
First, I try to get a handle on the personal side of things. This means getting my Christmas list made, complete with a budget. I keep this list handy so whenever I’m out I can pick up what I need little by little. Same goes for Christmas Day breakfast and dinner (which we host at our house). Once the personal stuff is organized, I can focus on the business side.
Though we’re not yet at tax season, we are close. Once the new year hits, it’s time for 1099s to hobble in and income/expense reports to be made. As I mentioned in a previous post, I keep track of my finances all year round so there’s no last minute scrambling. However, there are still things that need to be done. Make a list of everything you’re going to need so you’ll be that much more organized when tax time comes.
As for launching new products or services, you don’t have to come to a complete stop during the holidays. At the same time, it’s ok to slow down the pace a little. Most people get busy during the season so they aren’t going to notice (and will understand) if you scale back a bit. You can keep your name out there in other ways like offering a freebie or a holiday sale. These are great opportunities to promote yourself that don’t take up a ton of your time.
By taking a small step back…you can use less of your time in still, very valuable, ways.
For example, you can start working on a business plan for 2023. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, just a list of ideas you have going forward. Maybe there’s a new area you’ve been thinking about venturing into? New equipment you might need or a course you could take to help educate yourself? Whatever it is, if you can afford it you might want to get things in motion now. Make a list and set a budget.
Finally… instead of stressing yourself out during the holidays by adding even more to your (already full) plate, use the time wisely. Reflect on how things have gone the past twelve months and the ways you might do things differently come the new year. Use this month as a stepping stone for how you’ll maintain and grow your business going forward.
So go ahead and keep your business affairs in order but be sure to enjoy the holidays while you’re at it. You deserve that at least, no?
Also, nobody likes a Scrooge 😉
Merry Christmas!