I don’t know about you but this Winter season has me in a bit of the blues and it’s affected my creative time.
To be fair, I am working. In fact I’ve been busy doing a lot of freelance lately. I’m also creating (albeit a bit slowly due to being busy with freelance) on some new projects for Sofydoll.
But yeah, I feel like my creativity has been on a winter break.
Maybe it’s the fact that the weather here has been a daily mix of snow, sleet and rain. Not to mention, I have’t seen much of the sun these past few days. Don’t get me wrong, there’s something nice about being inside, all cozied up and warm – and that can be conducive to staying creative – but too many of those days can also make me a little lazy.
Either way, if this is also happening to you…I come with tips.
- Get sufficient sunlight: If you’re living in a cold area with crazy winter weather (like me) you’re probably not getting that much sun. Find the light however you can. Pull back those curtains, do some light therapy (they sell lamps for this on Amazon), or go somewhere that’s bright (maybe the mall).
- Exercise & Eating Right: The winter months can be an obstacle when trying to get outdoors. It can also make us snack more because we’re inside a lot. However, it’s important to stay healthy, as it does wonders for our minds and boosts energy. Take an exercise class or do some yoga at home. Stick to an eating schedule where you’re not picking all day long.
- Stay social: This might be hard for introverts, but do what you can to stay social. Maintaining good relationships is important so call a friend up and go for a coffee or maybe go get manis and pedis together.
- Meditate: I mention meditation a lot because I believe strongly in how beneficial it can be. Not everyone can sit still in a meditative position and clear the mind, but it doesn’t have to be that formal. Just find a comfortable spot and pause for 15-20 minutes. Shut the TV off, put the phone away and take a moment to settle the mind.
- Find Inspiration: Sometimes all it takes is finding the beauty in things. Visit an art gallery, museum or a local botanical garden. See what types of activities are available in your area. I have one friend who swears by himalayan salt cave therapy anytime she’s in need of a refresher (we have a place here, though I haven’t gone yet). Or take a little trip to the bookstore; grab a few art books and sit down with a latte. Make it a point to indulge in the senses.
- Doodle: This may sound silly, but sometimes just putting pen to paper and letting your mind flow, with no pressure, is enough to stimulate your creativity.
Finally, and most importantly, it’s good to remind yourself that it’s OK to take a break. Sometimes we do generally need time off (yes, even from creating) and that’s nothing to feel bad about. In fact, fighting the urge may only make you more frustrated.
Be patient with yourself and know that this too shall pass. You will get your creative groove back.
If you have any tips on how you beat your winter blues, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Until next time…