When we talk about having gratitude we generally think in terms of our personal lives such as when we are grateful for our family, friends, our homes, etc. How many of us keep this same level of gratitude when it comes to our business?
Surprising enough, many don’t. Why is that?
Well for one, a lot of us are just starting out. We’re not ‘making bank’ yet as they say. In fact, we’re struggling. Maybe we’re making enough to afford our expenses, but earning a profit (especially in the beginning) seems to be a dream that’s way off in the distance. We may think we don’t have anything yet to be grateful for…but we do.
Secondly, when we’re in this early stage we are often too busy surviving so we’re not thinking about what we’ve already accomplished.
That’s fair, we’ve all been in that place. Some of us still are. But we still need to have gratitude. The reason for this is if we don’t appreciate what we already have, it will be really difficult to appreciate what’s to come.
Be grateful for where you are right now. It doesn’t matter if where you are at right now is just an idea you have, if you’ve started implementing that idea into a business, or if you’re already somewhat accomplished. Having gratitude allows yourself to be open to future gifts and opportunities.
If you’re finding yourself struggling with this, write down a list of all the things you could (and should) be grateful for.
For example, if you’re running your business at home, you have flexibility of hours and going at a pace that works for you. If you have a regular “9 to 5” job, you could be grateful that you have an income coming in, so you don’t have to feel stressed when starting your side hustle. Or perhaps you can be grateful that you even have the opportunity to begin your journey to your dream business.
The above are just a few ideas – once you start writing things out, you’ll be surprised just how much you have to be grateful for.
Currently, I am grateful that I took a risk to start my own business. Trust me, I was scared and insecure at first but I carried on anyway. I’ve since gained some confidence and am grateful for the experience it took to get me here. Now I am thinking about other areas to venture into, grateful to already have a platform I can expand upon.
Having gratitude also puts you into a positive mindset. A mindset that will boost your confidence going forward, ready to meet the challenge. This is especially beneficial whenever you are starting any new venture.
So write down that list and reflect upon it daily. While you’re doing that, I am going to finish off here saying what I am grateful for…and that is you!
I have such wonderful customers, who I very much appreciate, so thank you for your continued support.
Until next time…