Have you found your space in creativity?
I’m serious. Have you found your space in creativity?
The reason I ask this of you is because not long ago, I asked this of myself. And in this little ‘meditative’ session, I went through all of my faults; how I want too much too quickly, the way I expect too much of myself and then get disappointed when I don’t meet those expectations, or maybe that I compare my work to others…all the time. So no, it was obvious I hadn’t actually found my space in creativity. In fact, the thought of it was actually depressing me a little, leading me to not want to create at all.
I know I’m not the only creative who has these moments, and that’s good because self-reflection is important. Whether we are artists, writers, digital creators, etc. – we are expressing ourselves through our art and creativity. So how well we express ourselves is important. However, too much of that can lead us to lose ourselves in our creativity (or worse… the perceiving ‘lack of’).
If we are going to find OUR space, it means being open and connected to our senses, being open to our failures just as much as we do our successes. It means knowing the journey is just as important to the end result. It doesn’t mean throwing ourselves off a virtual cliff in the process.
Look at Van Gogh, for example. A man who struggled with anxiety and depression his whole, short life. And yet, a very talented artist. Some would argue that Van Gogh’s struggle with mental illness actually helped him create such art. Suffering can certainly be a good motivator when expressing ourselves, especially if it helps us to release those emotions. Unless, of course, it spirals us more down into depression (as it did Van Gogh).
After all, Van Gogh himself once said, “I put my heart and my soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process.”
“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process.”
_-Vincent Can Gogh
Not all creatives feel the need to go down that path. There are plenty of talented artists who create amazing work and who are living happy, healthy lives. It is doable.
How? By living in balance.
Finding a balance between immersing yourself in creativity and staying grounded in reality is essential. Creativity can be a powerful and fulfilling outlet for self-expression, problem-solving, and innovation. Getting lost in your creativity can lead to new ideas and insights, fostering personal growth and satisfaction.
However, it’s important to maintain a sense of perspective and not completely detach from reality. While that may seem a magical concept to some creatives, doing that could also send us down a very dark path. Again, we need to maintain balance.
Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
- Time management: While diving into creative endeavors can be enjoyable, it’s essential to manage your time effectively. Set aside dedicated periods for creative exploration while ensuring you fulfill your responsibilities and commitments in other aspects of life.
- Set goals: Establish clear goals for your creative pursuits. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting too lost in the process without tangible outcomes.
- Self-care: Creativity can be emotionally and mentally taxing, so it’s vital to take care of yourself. Ensure you get enough rest, engage in physical activity, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.
- Feedback and collaboration: Seek feedback from others to gain different perspectives on your creative work. Collaborating with others can also provide valuable insights and help keep you connected to reality.
- Be mindful of escapism: While creative expression can be a healthy way to cope with stress or difficult emotions, be cautious not to use it as a way to escape from real-life problems or responsibilities.
- Embrace failures and challenges: Creative endeavors may not always yield the desired results. Embrace failures as learning opportunities and use them to grow and improve.
Remember, losing overselves in creativity can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it’s essential to stay grounded, responsible, and connected in the rest of our lives as well. Strive for a healthy balance that allows us to express overselves creatively while maintaining overall well-being.
I’m not saying that we need to be rigid in our creativity, what would the point be in that? And I’m not saying creativity should be ‘safe’ and ‘comfortable’. Where’s the adventure? What I’m saying that if we get too obsessed in our creative space, we could end up in a place where we feel that our creativity is the only thing that defines us. And if things aren’t going well in that place, that could hurt us in the other spaces of our lives.
Just remember, you are more than just your art. We are each a spiritual being, living a precious human life. We are diamonds with many, many facets. Our creativity, while amazing, is just one of those facets.
Once we come to realize, that…we’ll find our space in creativity.
Until next time…