I’ll admit it, I can be a stubborn person at times. It’s not necessarily a personality trait I admire about myself, but at the same time…I kinda do.
Unpopular opinion, I know.
The thing is, my stubbornness is mostly directed towards pushing myself when trying to achieve goals.
So in that sense, it is a sort of benefit.
Yes, there have been instances in my life where being stubborn has caused me problems. Honestly though, those were few and far between. For the most part, my stubbornness has been a blessing. Why? Because it’s fueled me to do things in a way that works for me and my family as opposed to doing them the way others think I should.
I say this because there will be times when you want to do something and someone may tell you why you shouldn’t. This person may be very sincere in their advice, and coming from a good place. They could also be coming from a place of fear or even jealousy. While you can’t always know someone’s intention, you do generally know who has your best interests at heart. So don’t ignore good advice, but also don’t let someone else’s negative mindset determine your own. Always think carefully on the pros and cons before you make any big decisions.
When I first thought of starting my online business, all sorts of reasons came up as why I probably shouldn’t. Some of them were valid; it was a risk, it would interfere with my family life, I would lose money, etc. I was afraid, for sure, but my stubbornness fueled my determination. I believed I could do it my way, at the very least I believed I should try.
That’s not to say there haven’t been sacrifices, no one can do it all and do it perfectly. What I am saying is that I get to choose my priorities. For me, my family comes first and I am very stubborn in that regard. And I am so glad for that, because my family means everything to me.
I’m also stubborn about getting some time for my business. That means not giving in to every little demand that’s put upon me. I have to be fair to everyone, including myself. I’m open to the idea of doing things in a way that may be different than most, as long as it works for me and helps me continue towards my goal.
All that being said, it’s important to understand that stubbornness only works well when it goes hand in hand with smart choices.
Doubling down on an unrealistic idea, like thinking I can spend an uninterrupted 10 hours a day on my business, is not a smart choice for me. I have a family that needs me, and I like being there for them. That sometimes means the work doesn’t get done as quickly. That’s ok because I’m more concerned with keeping balance in my life and I’m very stubborn about that.
Being stubborn does have its downsides. For one, not accepting help from people who offer it to me. This has always been a tough one as I take my responsibilities very seriously and often feel like I might be burdening someone. However, I’ve learned to let go and allow others to step in and give support. You can also be stubborn in trying to do too much all at once, even to the detriment of your own well-being. That’s not smart at all.
So again, it’s ok to be a little stubborn if you’re also being realistic.
Let me finish off by saying that I can’t give definitive advice to others on how stubborn they should be or shouldn’t be when it come to their business. All I do is tell you about my own experiences. I’m more halfway through my second year in my online business and I don’t have plans to give up anytime soon. I’m convinced I have a good product & service to offer others, I have a positive outlook, I’m realistic in my goals and try to do it all in a way that works for everyone in my life, including myself.
Some people call that determination – and it is – but I do believe it takes a little stubbornness to get you there.
Until next time…